

数学系的使命是通过提供高质量的数学教学来满足所有E世博ESBALL学生的数学需求. Our department serves three primary groups of students: non-transfer, transfer, and STEM majors. Through our commitment to excellent teaching in a supportive environment, 我们的学生发展数学专业知识, 理解, 和信心.

我们的使命的必然结果是通过预备数学课加速转学的学生, enabling them to earn a passing grade in a transfer-level math class as quickly as possible.


数学系提供全面的两年制课程,可获得数学副学士学位. AS-T数学学位是为那些将转入四年制大学攻读数学学位的学生设计的. 该项目允许学生在完成大一和大二的所有要求后转学. 数学系还提供其他专业的通识教育课程(完整列表),并为那些想要这些课程的人提供预备课程.




数额: 327000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

就因为这三个人, 我们得以避免取消2018-2019学年的大约20个数学部分. We also now have full-time representation at the Glenn Center. 除了, 这些指导员正在参与部门为响应AB 705的要求所做的关键工作.


Four hundred eight-four TI-84 graphing calculators for use in Math 18 classes.

数额: 50000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

这些计算器已提供给20名学生在每个数学18部分使用整个学期. This represents half of the funding that was requested for these calculators. 最初的目的是为所有数学18的学生提供一个计算器,供他们在学期中免费使用. 我们希望继续减轻学生的经济负担,因为学生必须展示使用科技进行统计分析的能力.  确定每班哪20名学生将受益于使用免费计算器一直是一项挑战. 我们希望达到一个点,我们有足够的计算器给所有的学生,这样我们就不必在未来做这个决定.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments) (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments) (Optional)







Our goals are to increase students' understanding of math, increase the success rates of students in all of our classes, 并提供机会,让学生尽快完成他们的数学要求,而不牺牲他们的理解深度. We attempt to meet these goals by providing support for our students outside the classroom, offering accelerated and online options for Math 108 and Math 18, as well as maximizing the use of our facilities and personnel. 我们也将遵循AB 705的精神,为大多数即将转学的学生提供直接进入转学水平数学课的机会.


策略1 -转移加速

Mark Mavis piloted our first accelerated classes in fall 2012. Students enrolled in Math 124 and Math 18 back-to back in the same semester, 总共学习8个单元,完成一门发展级和一门迁移级数学课. 多年来,我们增加了这种模式的多个部分,并且看到了我们传统模式的成功率,即每门课都在一个单独的学期中进行. Moving forward we will replace the Math 124 component with Math 118 (4-units), a class specifically designed to prepare students for success in Math 18. 此外,数学18将成为一个4单元的课程. 这种组合将仍然为学生提供在一个学期内完成一门能力级数学课和一门转学级数学课的机会. 这个选项最适合那些在直接进入转学级数学课之前需要做一些准备的学生. 它将特别有利于我们的重新入学的学生和那些已经完成两年或更少的高中数学.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement


因为这种模式的成功率等于或高于传统模式的成功率, we will continue to offer several sections per semester. 这些课程的学生比传统模式有更高的保留率,并且通常能够比没有这种课程的学生更快地转学一个学期.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: 是的
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No


Starting fall 2016, we began offering Math 108, Math 124, and Math 18 online. Currently we are only able to offer Math 108 and Math 18, as the instructor who developed Math 124 no longer teaches at Butte College. With the implementation of AB 705 and the decreased demand for below-transfer math classes, it is unlikely that anyone will develop a replacement in the near future.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • 加强公平包容的文化


Some students find it impossible to come to class due to health, 家庭责任, 离校园的距离.  Although the success rate for this type of math class is much lower than a face-to-face class, online classes meet the needs of a small group of 专用的 students.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: 是的
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No


The math department will need to offer more support than ever to students in our classes, especially Math 11 and 18 due to the implementation of AB 705. 这种支持大部分将在常规课堂时间之外以补充指导和导师(CAS和EOPS)的形式进行。. 从2019年秋季开始,我们将数学18的单元数量从3个增加到4个,作为对该法案的回应之一,未来几年可能需要对课程进行额外的调整. 我们在t122的临时数学实验室可能会看到更多的使用,我们可能想要重新配置房间,以促进更多的小组互动. 除了, a 专用的 space for Math 18 tutors and SI sessions would be welcome.



  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


When students have more support their likelihood of success will increase.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports 满足学生成就的标准和目标: 是的
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No


数学系希望增加两间可容纳35名学生的智能教室,以及相当于TE 128的白板空间. This will enable us to use TE 116 and TE 118 as 专用的 rooms for Supplemental Instruction, 而不是教室. These two rooms only have a capacity of 32, not our ped-cap of 35.


Our budget is the only source of guaranteed revenue for the math department. We frequently benefit from funding through various grants, 但这通常是暂时的, 专用的, 或者一次性资助.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 数学 人员 11.000.615.1.170100 52468 $0.00 $16,340.00
Student assistant money for Computer Lab monitors/tutors. Students are necessary to monitor and tutor math students in the Computer Lab. The amount requested reflects 40 student-hours per week, 16.每学期5周,外加12美元.每小时00美元,以及500美元的必要培训费用.
  • 学生公平和成就计划
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 实现AB 705
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
2 数学 人员 $0.00 $34,200.00
全职教师的学生评分 Students need to receive feedback on their homework on a daily basis in order to succeed. The use of student graders makes this feedback possible, 并给出评分, 他们中的许多人计划成为教师, 获得宝贵经验的机会. The cost is based on 19 full time instructors using a grader for 5 hours per week, 每学期15周,12美元.00 /小时. In the past we were able to offer each instructor 10 hours each week, 因此,这反映了分级机使用的减少, partly due to some instructors choosing to assign online homework which is automatically graded, 向学生提供一些必要的反馈, although this feedback is not as thorough as our student graders provide. 这将有助于我们支持课程设置的增加,以符合整个学院的目标,即增加10%的全职员工.
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 实现AB 705
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
3 数学 人员 11.000.615.1.170100 51391 $0.00 $25,500.00
副教职员办公时间 如果他们的导师是副教员,学生就没有平等的机会接触他们的导师,除非这些教员愿意贡献自己的时间. 持续成本是按每小时25美元计算的, 每周2小时, 15名教师,每学期17周.
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 实现AB 705
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
4 数学 人员 $0.00 $16,200.00
副教员学生评分 Students need to receive feedback on their homework on a daily basis in order to succeed. 这种情况不应该因为一个学生有一个副教员作为他们的导师而减少. The use of student graders makes this feedback possible, 并给出评分, 他们中的许多人计划成为教师, 获得宝贵经验的机会. The cost is based on 15 associate faculty using a grader for 3 hours per week, 每学期15周,12美元.00 /小时.
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • Implementing improvements identified during Outcomes Assessment
  • 实现AB 705
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
5 数学 人员 $0.00 $18,360.00
学生办公室助理 部门办公室为多个部门服务,以便我们的行政助理能够做好她的工作, we need students in the office to answer phones and greet students seeking help. 这将有助于我们支持课程设置的增加,以符合整个学院的目标,即增加10%的全职员工. The cost reflects 45 hours per week, 17 weeks per semester and $12.00 /小时. This cost should be shared among the departments served by the office in TE 132.
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化
6 数学 设备 $116,179.00 $0.00
840 graphing calculators and cases for thirty-five classes (Math 18) Students in Math 18 are required to have a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator. Unlike students in STEM majors who purchase these calculators and use them in up to 6 classes, 这些学生通常只需要一节课. We have an increasing number of students who cannot afford the $120 cost for these calculators, 在班里就会处于劣势. This disproportionately effects students on the Dashboard. 成本反映了我们将现有的560个计算器库存增加到1400个,这样我们就有35个班级的40个计算器(100800美元), along with 35 cases ($7525) to transport them safely to class and store them when not in use. (加上7853美元的税.有了这些计算器,我们可以借一台计算器给每一个学数学18的学生. 这将真正使这些课程对那些选择使用免费教材的学生免费,并将大大降低所有其他人的课程成本.
  • 教学设备
  • Implementing improvements identified during Outcomes Assessment
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
  • 实现AB 705
  • 缩小股权差距
  • 达到学生成绩目标
  • 培育包容文化