

国际学生办公室Services�的目的是增加, 以稳定和可持续的方式, the number of international students enrolled at Butte College and to provide services and support to promote their academic success and personal growth.  


In order to meet our goal of increasing the number of international students on our campus each year, it has been incumbent upon Butte College to actively recruit in foreign countries.  在我们无法访问的国家, Butte使用网络营销, 以及其他营销手段来吸引未来的学生.  The other major activity of the department is to provide international students with special services such as help with housing, 特殊e世博官方网站帮助, an orientation designed for new international students and specialized academic and immigration advising.




数额: 30000.00
用于预定目的: 是的

The International Program was able to maintain recruitment efforts throughout the year. 


在校学生应与校园学生服务机构建立联系. 定向调查证实了对这些服务的了解. 




国际课程致力于学生的成功. The program funds specialized counselors to support the international student success to ensure student program completion and transfer. 


The International Program aligns with the campus strategic direction and priority themes in the following ways:


1. Creating and developing specialized orientation and pre-arrival information and workshops for international students. 这是由项目协调员和咨询支持.

2. Working with English department to support international students in a successful completion of transfer level English courses.

3. Require counseling meetings of all international students at least once a semester to ensure program progress and completion.



1. Provide opportunities for students to coolaborate on program projects and be involved in the recruitment process via videos and social media.

2. Staff provides workshops to campus during Flex Week and International Education Week on the program and benefit of international students on our campus.



1. The program constantly is reviewing data to improve current student services and expand recruitment possibilities.


1. The international program brings diversity to the campus with many student perspectives, 文化和经历. The program ensures that recruitment efforts are broad so as to increase cultural diversity on our campus. 


  1. Continue to pursue relationships with English language schools in Korea and China. 这项工作仍在进行中.
  2. Create a focus group of international and domestic students to determine ways to implement “friendship program” with same-age students. 这项工作仍在进行中.


Continue to grow the international student program in student numbers and diversity of countries. 这包括增加招聘工作和国际伙伴关系. 同时,维护和扩大对在校学生的服务.




Diversifying international student enrollment requires diversifying marketing and recruitment models/modes. To enable the Butte College program to do this we must invest in new strategies (web based, 扩展到新的国家, contract with lead generators) The increase in marketing and recruitment also allows the program to grow its number of educational oversea partners and alumni network so as to sustain program growth.


  • 加强公平包容的文化


The International Program budget supports the salaries of its full time employees and percentages of supporting positions. 工资和福利占总支出的85%. The constant increase in benefits and salary step increases ultimately decreases our operating budget which limits the amount of recruitment and outreach that can take place each year. Without an increase in student enrollment the recruitment budget will continue to decrease.


Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No


 1. 国际学生服务中心的所在地.e. e世博官方网站, 咨询, 项目协调人, 学生活动/工作坊-办公空间和公共会议区


International Program Budget - $370K (50% of Paid Non-Resident Fees for F-1 visa students)


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 国际项目 营业费用 11.000.700.1.649004 55200 $30,000.00 $0.00
招收国际学生 影响国际学生入学的因素很多. Nationally, over the past three years, international student enrollment has seen an overall 6.6% - 17% national decline due to the unfavorable social and political climate, 移民改革和健康问题. Typically when recruiting an international student it will take them an average of 2 years to decide and enroll in a school due to the economic hardship on their families. Three years ago there was a drastic re-structure in our international recruitment team due to retirements and vacant positions which did not allow us to recruit as we had in the past. 我们目前还有一个空缺的准入技术员职位. Our program is currently feeling the effects of both the political and program difficulties. The Camp Fire has also been a factor in recruitment efforts due to housing uncertainty and safety issues. Our decline in enrollment will drastically effect our programs ability to actively recruit in the 2020/2021 year as 85%+ of our program budget supports staff positions. Without sustained recruitment practices and creativity we will be unable to maintain and grow our program numbers. 我们必须继续开拓新市场, both in person and virtually to attract international students to our campus.
  • 解决方案审查建议
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • 完成e世博官方网站目标
  • e世博官方网站人数的增长和学生成绩和学生公平的改善
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 培育包容文化
2 国际项目 人员 11.000.700.1.649004 52368 $0.00 $5,000.00
学生助理 The international program employs international students so that they can contribute to the program by acting as mentors, 他们制作项目外展材料, 与当前和未来的学生建立联系, 不断开发新的项目理念,使办公室人员多样化. Due to decreased enrollments and therefore the international program budget students may not be able to be hired for the 2020-2021 academic year. 这将极大地影响项目的推广, 市场和定位的计划和执行. 国际学生不符合联邦工作学习的资格.
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • 培育包容文化